take at face value

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1 general:: Phrase(s): take someone or something at face value to accept someone or something just as it appears; to believe that the way things appear is the way they really are. • He means what he says. You have to take him at face value. • I take everything he says at face value., Phrase(s): take something at face value to accept something exactly the way it appears to be. • I don’t know whether I can take her story at face value, but I will assume that she is not lying. • The committee took the report at face value and approved the suggested changes.

McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs

2 general:: see AT FACE VALUE., Accept from its outward appearance, as in You can't always take a manufacturer's advertisements at face value; they're bound to exaggerate. Literally this id iom has referred to the monetary value printed on a bank note, stock certificate, bond, or other financial instrument since the 1870s. The figurative usage is from the late 1800s.

American Heritage Idioms

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